Tire and Rubber
Anti ozone waxes for tire and rubber productsThe driving force behind the superior quality and performance of IGI anti-ozone waxes is our team of experienced technologists. The team is engaged in the formulation of products, each specifically designed for both the physical environment in which the final product will operate and the economic factors that impact its commercial viability. Nochek® blends, paraffin wax, and microcrystalline wax all constitute an extensive portfolio of waxes to suit a broad cross section of tire and rubber products.
Today’s tires operate under a broader range of temperatures and speeds and are expected to last longer, retaining their showroom appearance. IGI offers anti-ozone waxes optimized for specific conditions as well as those that are effective in broad temperature ranges. The wax products are designed to bloom to the surface in a controlled manner, thus offering the right level of protection. Today, IGI products are the wax of choice for many major tire manufacturers.
Understanding the science behind anti-ozone waxes
Vehicle tires and rubber materials are subject to oxidation and more seriously, from attach by ozone present in the air. Ozone is a naturally occurring “allotrope”, or variant form of the element oxygen. While the ozone layer in Earth’s upper atmosphere protects the planet’s surface from excessive ultraviolet radiation, here on the ground ozone itself is one of rubber’s worst natural enemies. Ozone attacks the double bonds on the surface layer of compounds based on natural rubber, butadiene and SBR, causing dangerous cracks to from. Crack growth or “perishing”, continues and worsens as ozone attach occurs. This is hastened by factors like strain and temperature until complete product failure occurs. Ozone attack can inflict significant damage and even destroy a rubber product within a matter of months. In regions of extreme temperatures or in areas of heavy air pollution, this process can be accelerated.
Carefully formulated waxes are thus required to bloom to the surface of the rubber over the temperature range at which ozone is active. Furthermore, the anti-ozone wax blend must be formulated with the appropriate mix of normal paraffins, isomeric paraffins, and microcrystalline wax components which migrate at different temperatures and rates. The wax’s natural, inherent ozone resistance properties can then protect and benefit the tire or rubber compound formulation.
Selecting the right anti-ozone wax
IGI’s technical team can review numerous potential anti-ozone for your application. It is highly recommended you contact us and review specific details of your product application so that the proper wax recommendation can be made.