Accessibility Statement



Accessibility Statement

Accessibility Statement

Accessibility for Ontarians with Disabilities Integrated Standard

  • Disability Definition
  • Statement of Commitment
  • Accessibility Policies
  • Accessibility Plan

Disability Definition:

The AODA uses the Ontario Human Rights Code’s definition that included physical, mental health, developmental and learning disabilities. A disability may or may not be visible.

Statement of Commitment:

The International Group, Inc. (IGI) is a manufacturer and distributor of petroleum-based waxes. We sell our products to other businesses who use them in their manufacturing processes. We do at times host visitors, customers or third parties, generally speaking our location is closed to the public.
IGI is committed to providing information and communications to our Employees, Customers and third parties in an accessible format or with appropriate communication support, upon request. IGI will provide a feedback process that is accessible to people with disabilities, upon request.


IGI is committed to fair and accessible employment practices

IGI is committed to excellence in serving all customers including people with disabilities. The policy below is our plan for ensuring that all interactions between IGI and our Customers and third parties are considerate and welcoming to disabilities.
Assistive Devices: IGI will ensure our staff is trained and familiar with various assistive devices that may be used by people with disabilities.
Communication: We will communicate with people with disabilities in ways that take into account their disability.
Service Animals: We welcome people with disabilities and their service animals. Service animals are allowed on the parts of our premises that is open to scheduled visitors and not restricted due to safety protocols.
Support Persons: A person with a disability who is accompanied by a support person will be allowed to have that person accompany them on our premises.

Accessibility Policies: 

  1. Employment:
    1. Accommodation can be made during the recruitment process
    2. Create polices on flexible workplace for identified positions
    3. Supporters are available for individuals with disability 
    4. Customized emergency information to help an employee with a disability during an Emergency 
  2. Information and Communication
    1. Provide information in accessible format – technological accommodations are available.
    2. Internationally-recognized WEB Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0 Level AA website requirements   
  3. Training:
    1. Train staff on accessibility as it relates to their specific role (if applicable) 
    2. Attitudinal barriers; educate staff on how to treat individuals with disabilities

Accessibility Plan:

The International Group, Inc. is committed to preventing and removing barriers to accessibility for employees, customers and third parties with disabilities. 

The Company will strive to abide by the AODA requirements to the point of undue hardship. We have developed an accessibility plan that will help us identify and reduce physical, emotional and social barriers in our workplace which will help to advance opportunities for employees with disabilities. 

An accessibility assessment was conducted and we are working to eliminate a list of physical barriers as we upgrade and renovate our offices.

Feedback Process:

If you would like more information about IGI’s Accessibility plan or would like to provide feedback or have suggestions on the way IGI has provided goods or services, please feel free to contact Heather Meikle, at 416-940-5143 or

Updated:  December 2023

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